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The HORTA MUSEUM is nestled within the former workshop and private abode of architect Victor Horta.

The duo of structures that comprise the HORTA MUSEUM were erected in 1898 and 1901.

The HORTA MUSEUM, an Art Nouveau edifice, is located in the Brussels district, specifically Saint Gilles.

During your exploration, you will encounter the HORTA MUSEUM interior, which spans 11 half-levels encircling a narrow staircase.

The HORTA MUSEUM does not accommodate those with limited mobility.

You will also have the opportunity to behold an exhibition during your visit.

Prior visit slot reservation is required.

Below is the information on how to make a reservation.

  • How to reach out to HORTA MUSEUM’s customer service?
  • What are the entrance fees and how to book a visit at HORTA MUSEUM?
  • What is the operating schedule of HORTA MUSEUM?

How to reach out to HORTA MUSEUM’s customer service?

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Mail

If you need information regarding the museum, its exhibitions, opening hours, entrance fees, etc., you can contact HORTA MUSEUM customer service.

The customer service team at HORTA MUSEUM is accessible via email or by telephone at:

+32 (0)2 543 04 90

For sending your mail, the address is:

Horta Museum

27 American Street

1060 Brussels (Saint-Gilles)

Entrance fees and how to book a visit at HORTA MUSEUM

Planning to visit HORTA MUSEUM soon and want to know the entrance fee?

At HORTA MUSEUM, you must book your visit in advance. You can secure your reservation directly online.ici.

Pour découvrir les coûts adaptés à votre situation, veuillez consulter cette page.

L’achat de vos billets en ligne ou directement à l‘entrée du musée est faisable.

Un pass combiné est proposé, permettant la visite conjointe du Musée Horta et de la Maison Hannon.

Quand HORTA MUSEUM est-il ouvert ?

Vous aspirez à explorer HORTA MUSEUM et avez besoin de savoir les horaires d’ouverture ?

La visite du HORTA MUSEUM est possible :

Du mardi au vendredi de 14H à 17H30.

Le samedi et le dimanche, de 11H à 17H30.

HORTA MUSEUM reste clos le lundi.

La dernière admission chez HORTA MUSEUM se fait à 16H45.

Se tenir informé de HORTA MUSEUM via les plateformes sociales :

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